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Sunday, August 3, 2008

7 Steps To Sensible Cycling

So you've seen the Tour De France and your imagination has been captured. You are health conscious and you believe in fitness. You dust off your cycle and hit the streets. Great! Just before you head off, though, do take a moment to absorb this article and avoid the pitfalls of so many.

1. Don't leave home without a safety check of your bike and don't put your kids on a bike unless you've given the bike a once-over. Check the gear changes, brakes, seat heights and bell and make sure it will be a comfortable ride for all. Sometimes cogs, chains and gears collect sand and grit and do not move as well as they should, especially if they've been sprayed with certain products in the past. Take a puncture kit with you or you may live to regret your outing!

2. Fitness is probably one of your motivations for getting on the bike. Bike-riding is, afterall, a wonderful way of staying fit. But do try to ride with others, as this will provide you with the motivation to go for a ride even on days you'd rather stay in bed. If you know you can't let someone else down, it keeps you accountable. If your buddy is of a comparative standard, riding with him/her will help push you to the next level. This is especially important for competitive riders. If fun is your main motivation for riding, other people will greatly enrich this too. You will make shared memories together, and time always goes quicker when you're with other people. From a safety point of view, having companions may save your life one day. If you have no option but to ride alone, please ensure you have told others of your exact route.

3. Plan your ride before heading out. Know approximately the length of the ride and the terrain and whether the route is cyclist friendly with road provision made for riders in mind. Treacherous stretches of road may look inviting but is it worth the risk? When travelling by car take note of the roads and routes that would make for an ideal path of pleasurable pedalling. When riding, decide ahead of time that patience will be your guide. Many motorists may consider you a nuisance and feel you have no right to be there. Some will never even see you! Don't take them on, they are bigger than you, and again, it is not worth the risk.

4. Physical provisions for the ride need to be addressed before and whilst on the road. At minimum have the water bottle attached and use it regularly. Hydration needs to be a continual process in order to get the most out of your exercise. For serious riders I would strongly suggest an amino based drink. In my opinion one that delivers advanced energy and endurance formulation with carbs and replaces electrolytes will prevent dehydration and enhance performance. Bananas, other fruit and energy boosters will also result in aiding physical wellbeing.

5. It sounds an obvious one, but correct attire for cycling is paramount. Comfort and safety go hand in hand here. The correct choice of clothing can assist you greatly in your ability to stay cool in hotter conditions and conversely, can help heat retention in the cooler environments making for a much more pleasant outing. The color of clothing is also a major consideration. Make sure it's bright and easily seen by motorists and other road users. And make sure you have a suitable helmet! If you have kids riding it is imperative that the helmet fits correctly and the chin strap is set at an adequate tightness. Most kids loosen these and can therefore miss out on their amazing impact cushioning abilities in an accident. It is a proven fact that helmets save lives.

6. Don't forget the whole family. Okay, you've got the bug, now it's time to enthuse everyone in the family. There's no greater sight than a whole family out cycling on a beautiful day. The tiniest tot can be strapped in to a bike seat behind mum or dad and grandad and grandma can ride too. These days there is growing awareness of the need to provide cycle tracks away from dangerous traffic and these can be wonderfully scenic. Take pro-active steps to build family time and model fitness. Your family will thank you for it one day.

7. Don't be careless about how you finish. You'll be hot and sweaty and ready for a shower, but there's something more important to do first. Give your muscles a chance to recover and repair by cooling down gradually and then by having a protein supplement (usually in the convenient form of a shake or drink). Protein is the building block of cartilage, muscles, bone and blood and it is protein which is the crucial factor in prevention of injury and enhanced performance. It's no wonder that so many of our professional atheltes head straight for a whey protein drink after exercise. For muscle recovery, repair and growth, it's a priority.

There's nothing like the feeling of sun on your face and wind in your hair. You'll love the fresh air and sense of freedom you get when cycling. Don't let anyone stop you getting out there and improving your fitness. Ensure you have studied (and acted on) as many articles like this as you can get your hands on. Then do something your body (and family) will thank you for and go cycling as an informed, responsible cyclist!
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